Tag Archives: Logos

Updates on the Side of Bible Apps

Years ago, the question that provoked many to first come to MMM had to do with finding a bible application. We answered that one in a manner that’s still not see as clearly in this age of app stores. There’s still something to be said about updates and new releases to various Bible platforms. Here are a few that have had a recent update: Continue reading

Mobile Ministry Recommendations

C2C Story App (Loading Screen)

Its now a few days after Christmas, and you might have been blessed to receive a new device, a gift card to an app store or two, or just want to refresh your wares with something different. Here are some #mobmin-tuned recommendations:




I might just come back to this and add a few more items to it as the days continue. These were just a few of the items that have come up over the course of 2013 and been impressive in their respective contexts.

What would you recommend? Make a strong case and we’ll add it here.