Tag Archives: definition of mobile ministry

Visualizing the Next Decade of Church Tech

I thought it good to take a look at four areas of tech currently in the news and relate them to how the church community might engage or respond to them: messaging, Virtual Reality/Artificial Reality, wearables, and AI. Some of what I consider cutting edge might actually happen. Other thoughts might just be ramblings that come from thinking too early about these and other topics. Nevertheless, when we engage the potential for the church to transform culture, it’s never too early to consider what might be with the tools coming up in front of us now.

Read the rest of 4 Areas of Focus to Visualize Church Tech’s Next Decade at Church Tech Today

ICCM Australia 2015 Keynote 2: A Theology of Mobile Ministry

A little more than a few weeks ago, MMM’s founder was invited to take part in the 2015 ICCM Australia Conference as its keynote speaker. There, he gave several keynotes on the topic of mobile ministry. The first, A Future of Everything, was linked to previously. The second is linked to on this post: A Theology of Mobile Ministry.

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