Now here’s a feature that we’ve not done in a number of months. And even with the monthly videos kind of doing a little work here in terms of stepping into this, a resolutions checkup is well overdue. Its the end of July now, and August is just a few days away, we’ll just combine these into one summer checkup and rock from there.
As a review, here are the resolutions we set forth at the beginning of the year:
- Explain, emphasize, and demonstrate the theological underpinnings to mobile ministry
- Detail and expand on knowledge of Non-English Language/Cultural expressions of mobile ministry
- Increase number of and collaboration with ministry partners
- Refine and release v2 of the Mobile Ministry Methodology
- Embed Mobile, Not Mobile As Layer
Number one on the listing can officially be checked off now that we’ve done what’s probably the first fleshed out conversation/presentation of A Theology of Mobile Ministry (at ICCM USA in June). Any theology worth starting is worth developing further. I’m interested to seeing/hearing how others will be formulating similar as they travel through this mobile ministry space.
No question that we’ve got to pick up the pace on #2. That’s something which came up in a response to the Mobile Ministry Course at Cybermissions (that class is almost done), and definitely needs to be talked about a lot more – not just talked about either. With the conferences/workshops yet to happen this year, there’s a good chance they will be.
We’ve still been active connecting with local, regional, and global ministries. Slower than what a fully-funded ministry can do, but definitely not falling slack on the opportunities. Some of that fruit will hopefully come forward soon – even if some of the things happening didn’t make their way to an expected end. That’s a big challenge with this effort – connecting with ministries is great, but there’s also a need to make sure that no one is spinning wheels trying to see where those synergies are.
Number 4 is slower to happen. And there’s a good chance that it will get done before the end of the year. But, there’s a lot that has to put into that initial effort if its going to be as polished and useful as it could be.
That last one is not so much a resolution as its a perspective and intention. I’ve mentioned before how just with my personal devices, I’m moving to something more than just mobile as a window to things – when mobile can enable you to move forward, or push someone else forward, that’s when the tech is really magical. I think that with the depth of platforms and devices I’m using now, I’m seeing that mobile isn’t that layer – but also that there’s a lot that needs to be done with UX in order for a better reality with this to be realized.
So, that’s not a bad place with just over half the year done. There’s a lot of work in mobile ministry to be done, and MMM isn’t the only participant. Hopefully, you are moving well on the resolutions and vision-casting that you put forth for 2013. This isn’t a time to reset the journey, but it might be the time to get back in step with what was once so clear to you and God.