Mobile Ministry Magazine (MMM)

Introducing MMM



I wonder how things would differ if same attention was paid to interaction as presentation?
- Bill Buxton (@wasbuxton)

This deck explores mobile ministry in 2013 and the history and future of Mobile Ministry Magazine (MMM) in relation to where mobile is going.

At the End of 2013

I wrote back in 2010 that "mobile is the present." It seems that 2013 is the year that the mainstream consensus has agreed with that assertion. What has been agreeded to, and what is happening, can sometimes look like a bit much. There are two ways to look at what mobile has come to in 2013:

Stats in Pictures

Mobile is the present, the future has yet to be decided. Though, if you pay enough attention to the pictures of the present, you can get a decent idea towards what the future will bring.

Palm Pilots & Bibles

It was well before the iPhone and Android devices that mobile was seen as the place to go for theological/faith-driven content. However the steps to get there took a while, a few arguments, and even once it arrived, it still wasn't clear to all of church leadership that this was the direction. In time, that perception changed, but to know where mobile is now, MMM had to be born out of the mobile faith that came before.

Mobile Ministry Magazine

Mobile Ministry Magazine (MMM) is online magazine asking questions, presenting approaches, and experimenting around stories related to the implications of faith and mobile technologies.

Defining Mobile Ministry

Just writing about mobile ministry isn't the point of MMM. There's an attention to this space that has developed into themes, characteristics, and later a formal methodology that guides the viewpoints here. Partnerships have developed which has enabled other voices to speak into mobile ministry. Those partnerships will shape the future of mobile ministry - and define wider areas in mobile and beyond.


Going forward, Mobile Ministry Magazine has its role to play in encouraging and forwarding the mobile minsitry story. As mobile continues to mature, plateau, and in some cases be supplanted by
End of Presentation - MMM (transparent logo)