A Look into Other Stories

Over on Twitter, there’s a conversation that exists around mobile ministry which uses the #mobmin hashtag. Many times, items posted with that hashtag might not make it into stories here directly, even though they certainly do play a part into some of what is put into the stream. Here are some of those stories:

@wfryer: new post: Digital Storytelling with Pinnacle Studio for iPad http://www.speedofcreativity.org/2012/10/28/digital-storytelling-with-pinnacle-studio-for-ipad/ …

@bdrhoa: Pocket Pad Studio configuration for the Android by MYHOT16 — Kickstarter http://kck.st/VwnIVe via @kickstarter

@KingdomGuy1: The times they are a changin’ – Samsung widens global smartphone lead, as Nokia drops from top 5: Report http://tnw.to/c6bH

@soonguy: Still not too late to book for the Mobile Ministry Forum Nov 28-30http://www.mobileministryforum.org/mmf-consultation-2012 … #missions

@davehackett: [Report} 126 million use Facebook on mobile only; India, Brazil, US key sources of mobile growth http://www.nbcnews.com/technology/technolog/126-million-use-facebook-mobile-only-1C6681668 …

@eDOTGeek: Rethinking what mobile web design usage really means (and what we assume could be wrong) –> http://ow.ly/eH8Hk

@Mobile_Advance: Heading to Africa. To find out why check out Training & Equipping in Africa [article] http://www.mobileadvance.org/blog/184-training-a-equipping-in-africa … #ieway

Now, there are more topics within mobile ministry which do get attention, keep an eye on #mobmin via Twitter and other social networks to see those stories as they arise.