I’ve been sitting on the idea of this post for sometime. To be honest, I’ve really had many times during the past five years where I felt that MMM needed to be let go.
Then tonight, I was visiting with some friends, and it hit me just how important it has been for MMM to be here for the past 5 years. Yes, I can make the suggestion that it was needed for all of you who have come here over the years and gained insight towards life at the intersection of mobile and faith. But really, it was for me to see just how much God values the gifts that we have, and how those gifts are to be used in the Body.
In the course of 5 years, there has been a number of PDAs, smartphones, laptops, and a few tablets that have passed through here. This site has gone through 5 major redesigns, and countless tweaks. Its been on Blogger the entire time, but took nearly 8 months or so for it to find a stable server to call home.
There have been guest posts by journalists, students, pastors, and evangelists. MMM has been noted at the BBC and ABC. Its seen life on Jaiku, Twitter, Mippin, and Mobify.Me.
There has been reviews of devices, devotions, themed series, and the content that started it all – the issues.
This has been one heck of a ride. And I know that there are not many websites out there which can say that they have gone for 5 years on no budget. But man, God has shown me and Mobile Ministry Magazine a whole lot of favor.
I owe Sammy at Palm Addict a big thanks for his encouragement to just start this online, and his countless posts letting people know of MMM. Thanks to the host of folks who are represented in the links section – its amazing what your encouragement has meant over the years. And a huge thanks to LJ over at Trailblazin Ministries – dude, I love you in Christ and because of Christ. Thank you immensely for your words of wisdom, encouragement, and straightening up.
Now, there are some people who would say that they saw MMM going this far. There are some who are wondering still how we made it this far. I have no idea except to say that it has been God’s grace. A whole lot of grace.
Lord willing, before Blogger’s FTP service gets shut down, we’ll get another redesign up and then some stuttering of things as the move to another blogging system has been a lot slower than hpoed for. God, I really wish that I could have done a lot of things faster, better, with more clarity of the impacts etc. This site has been one heck of a learning experience, and I hope that for you visiting, reading, or just checking to see if MMM has finally found an editor, that you can understand that we are only moving forward because of the grace afforded to us.
Its been 5 years, and there are over 1700 posts here of stories which talk about life at the intersection of faith and mobile tech. Wow. Just wow. If God gives this site another decade under my watch, I wonder what the impacts and stories will look like then.
A new mission statement therefore for MMM: Enabling the story and His-story of the Christian faith through a mobile lens. How this is done has been stated for 5 years, but in this next stage of life for me and this site, we dig into this further. Hope you will come and share your story with us.