Passing Scriptures Phone to Phone (PDF)

Was pointed to this look at some of the implications of passing Scriptures phone to phone in (many) regional contexts. Here’s a snippet of what you will find from this paper by Richard Margetts:

This article discusses some of the implications of mobile phone technology for encouraging the sharing of audio/video Scripture products. Questions raised include:

  1. Who is your target audience?
  2. What are the best Scripture products for the phone?
  3. How will people get their first copy of the media files which they can then share with their friends?
  4. Are there any copyright issues involved?
  5. How could mobile phone technology become an obstacle to people engaging seriously with God’s Word?
  6. What are the most positive aspects of using mobile phones for Scripture distribution?

Explore these questions and more by downloading and reading the PDF report Betewen Friends: Passing Scriptures Phone to Phone. From Scripture Engagement via Visual Story Network