Are These Your Design Trends

A site that I was reading recently (The Industry) noted 13 design trends for 2013. Are these some items that you are implementing ino your mobile applications and services:

  1. Flat Design
  2. Fewer Buttons/More Gestures
  3. Animation as Affordance
  4. Hamburger Menu Drawer
  5. Native over Web
  6. Responsive if not Native
  7. Wider Websites
  8. Larger Fonts
  9. Larger Search Inputs
  10. GIFs as Design Elements
  11. Designing for Humans
  12. New Colors
  13. Vector Graphics

Read the explainations and see examples of these at The Industry

As a side note, changes done here will reflect #1 more than any other, an probably #13 if we can pull of something the web isn’t doing normally. The rest of these don’t fit the context of this type of site. Unless a designer can convince us otherwise 😉