Where to Start w/Mobile

Though we’ve talked about this a few times, the question of where to start with mobile, once you’ve decided to go that direction for some aspect of communication or engagement is a difficult one. What’s great though is that there are several of us in this faith-tech space that have tackled this. Here’s a piece from Symbiota’s answer to this:

A mobile app is software designed for such mobile operating systems (and their corresponding distribution programs) as Apple iOS (the App Store) and Google Android (Google Play); an app is generally useful for executing specific actions, such as listening to a podcast, playing an interactive game, or making a purchase. A mobile website is essentially a sleek, stripped down version of your native (desktop-friendly) site; with a mobile website, the content may be stacked vertically for easy scrolling, and much of the graphics from the native site may be streamlined or removed.

Read the rest of Help! My church wants to go mobile; where do we start? at Symbiota. And take note of the chart after the infographic – those six (6) points are about as clear as it gets towards understanding your direction in mobile and ministry.

Another Symbiota plug: We’ve started adding Symbiota’s webinars to the #mobmin calendar as many of these are quite relevant connection points to what’s happening in faith and tech from a resource/learning perspective. Subscribe to the #mobmin Calendar to get updates about these and other events.