Mobile Phone and Service Options for Missionaries

Over at Missionary Geek, an excellent resource detailing some of the options for mobile devices and services for missionaries has been published. This is especially beneficial for those folks in need of a temporary mobile while traveling:

Many missionaries live and die by the cell phone while they are on deputation. When they get to the field they feel like they have to get a cell phone as soon as possible. However, it only takes a few days without a cell phone to realize that they really don’t need to send 75 text messages and talk on the phone for 3 hours every day. The cell phone starts to lose its grip over the life of the missionary. While a cell phone is still probably important, the missionary quickly learns that it is not a sin to go to the grocery store without the cell phone attached to their ear.

A calming feeling of freedom and relief washes over the missionary for the first time in a couple of years. Or, at least as far as the cell phone is concerned. He is quickly learning there are plenty of other things to keep his stress level high.

It only takes one thought to bring panic back to the mind of the missionary once again. That thought is the prospect of returning home. It doesn’t take a full-blown furlough to cause cell phone panic to grip the missionary. Even a return trip of one or two weeks will have the missionary looking at all his options for obtaining a cell phone within an hour or two of the plane landing.

Read the rest of Temporary Cell Phone Options for Missionaries at Missionary Geek

~ via Twitter (@bdrhoa)

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