Reasons for Choosing a Feature Phone Over a Smartphone

Great article over at IE Day giving reasons why it would be a good idea to choose a feature (or Quick Messaging) phone over a smartphone. Here are a few items:

  • It’s a ready-made MP3 player – take your music, audiobooks, or podcasts with you wherever you go. FM radio is a frequent option too.
  • You can download video clips or other conversation-starting evangelistic resources, to share faith face-to-face: read more.
  • You can buy SIM-free smartphones new or second-hand, to use with the mobile provider of your choice.

Do note, there are some significant differences between smartphones and feature phones. Some of these (previously highlighted) are:

  • Feature phones sell at a much lower cost (initial and over the time of a service contract) than smartphones
  • Application stores to feature phones primarily deal in content rather than in applications that serve specific content
  • Feature phones can be had with number pads, QWERTY, touchscreens, dual SIM slots, and several other configurations
  • Feature phones are seen as “low class” phones in some markets becasue they occupy the prepaid pricing structure (you’d be amazed how much you can save going prepay with feature phone configured to not pull any cellular data though)

We’ve commented with a few more items in the IE Day article. Head on over and jump into the discussion and note your experiences with non-smartphones.