Mobility in the Midwest~where are your files?

Mobility is not just about a grabbing a phone, maybe a laptop and leaving the house. Working from home used to be complicated with heavy brief cases, files and if one was lucky a portable hard drive to bring the files from the work computer home. That is no longer the case in 2010. I work from home with the ability to carry my netbook and at most my iPhone. I use the application Dropbox for keeping my files synced with all my computers and my phone. I am in the middle of writing a book and this application has proved to be immeasurably helpful to me. I can write, complete edits and upload to Dropbox ensuring I have everything in one spot.

I have been asked about this process by no less than twenty people this week.  I have shared ebooks, music and basically evangelized Dropbox like no other advertising company could to the Midwest in hopes of unburdening people’s briefcases. Sure there may be other services out there, but  Dropbox fits my needs perfectly and it is social. The more people you share it with, the more space you get to store your own files. What a great system.

My productivity on writing this book has gone out the roof, because as creative types know, thoughts don’t come at the most convenient time. I  type up drafts in the 20 minutes I am waiting in line to pick up my son, edit while waiting in line at the grocery store and come home and have my files waiting for me.  No more lost papers flying out the window, which has happened to me and caused tears. Ahem.

How is mobility defined in your life? Are you taking your files with you or are you burdened with wondering were that flash drive is? Lighten up and give Dropbox a try.

  • Nice piece Melissa; Dropbox has definitely come in handy for me – though I do need it on *just one more* mobile platform for a bro to be fully sold on it.

    I use Evernote, Google Docs, and occasionally Dropbox; all have been solid but I kind of wish they all worked together a bit more too.

  • I wish they would integrate as well. I want to like Google Docs. But editing makes me cuss. When I’m just doing a fly by editing, I don’t want that much effort.

    I really am the Mom test that companies talk about, because I sometimes don’t have five minutes to eat so if your product isn’t dead simple to use, I’m doing to have to leave it.

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