Open Letter on Digital Media and the Great Commission

Over at Internet Evangelism Day, there’s posted an open letter on digital media and the Great Commission. Here’s a snippet:

…‘Inreach’ came first: Mission web communication has usually focused primarily on publicity (reaching the support base in the West) and communication (linking mission staff with each other and their admin bases), which offer a measurable return on investment. Technical and design staff have been appointed to fulfill these roles, rather than for a direct evangelism focus.

‘Immigrants, not citizens’: Some mission staff may lack background knowledge of the underlying philosophy of digital evangelism or specific potential strategies, especially older staff whose age makes us ‘immigrants’ to digital culture, rather than born ‘citizens’. This is also reflected in the current lack of training modules about these opportunities, in bible colleges and mission training institutions…

Read the rest of IE Day’s Open Letter on Digital Media and the Great Commission.

MMM partners with IE Day and several other organizations which not only see the potential for digital tools in missional engagements, but realize the opportunities and implications of the use of these tools. Don’t be surprised for more letters and wisdom like this to come our of the Body, we are only at the beginning stages of this digital mission field, and it only gets more fun from here.