Digital Disciples, Impressed to Consider Direction

Two things:

Digital Disciples is tomorrow. Hope to see (or tweet) you there.

On a personal note, I’m having all kinds of thoughts about the continuance of MMM. I wonder – in part – about its relevance and need. Not just whether it’s meeting a need, but if it is really a point worth living and emphasizing. To me, mobile has become a behavior, it is not an accessory to how I do computing, or live life in Christ. Doing this full-time puts that in perspective, and also causes me to ponder the direction its been taken.

Weirdly enough, there is an outgrowth of MMM that keeps coming back, and that is enabling people who don’t have basic essentials (job skills, etc.) to learn and acquire those skills while growing in technical knowledge. A moment the other night reimpressed upon me how doing this site, even at this point full-time, has put me in a position to apply concepts of mobile and ministry to assisting others find direction in their wildernesses. Whether that’s something to re-evolve into teaching, or just a ticking of a passion even more to my core, I’m not yet sure. But, I’m impressed to consider my heart, and the direction this site/mission has under my watch. From that, God drives this life in His ways.