Comparison Thoughts on the iPad and Bible Study Apps

If there’s anything that we know about here at MMM, its this idea of using mobile tech to increase one’s ability to understand and share Scripture. This has led to many thoughts here and other places on the topic, some better than others. Over at Bible Software Newsletter, this topic is revisited with the iPad taking the focus and some approaches taken with software. Here’s a snippet:

…I downloaded the free app and then downloaded several free resources and purchased the concise 3 library and the NIV with study notes. Pros: For now this is my go to app while in church. It is easy to use and easy to get around in. I wish I could test the original language resources and strong’s numbering, but I already have access to those in other programs and could not justify the cost. I think this is where Olive Tree separates themselves from the others. They actually went head to head against Mac and PC programs at SBL! Olive tree also has the most options for background and text colors and lots of free resources. Cons: only 1 additional window and I would like to click on a word and look it up a dictionary…

Read the rest of this review.

One thing seems really obvious; its not the content, but the user interface that determines the appeal on a tablet platform. Should provide some interesting lessons to be applied over time.

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  • that’s good! using the technology for Christ’s sake… also another thing for that is the use of good Bible Study Books for Bible study….