The Slow Rebuilding

In some respects, I think I feel a bit like Ezra and Nehemiah when it came to rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, there are parts of rebuilding MMM that are taking longer than others. And there’s another aspect of things where assistance is being provided in areas that previously were solo-endeared. Its amazing really, but this is the slow build to getting things back to and better than they were before.

Some good notes:

  • Using the new Ovi Store App Wizard, I was able to build and submit the first MMM application, the collection of posts from Years 1-5 of MMM. What’s really neat is that it pulls from the old RSS feed, which should make it pretty easy to read older articles, and even search for items that aren’t front and center. Stay tuned for a formal announcement if/when its approved and available.
  • If you are interested in contributing to the effort here in a writing, marketing/business development, or training role, drop a line and let’s begin that conversation. Upcoming posts will detail some of the needs in terms of roles (and Lord willing, compensation).
  • Will be looking for assistance from WP Designers in terms of making an MMM-specific design for the site. There’s a bit of learning that I need to do, but this effort will most likely end up being contracted out – more to come on that as well.

That’s about it for now. There’s enough going on to keep a bro busy I’ll say that much. And even after the walls are up and done, there will be other tasks to get rolling on.

It is a great time to be serving the Body with this. At this intersection, life gets incredibly fun.

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