Mobile Benchmarks 2010: SMS w/Non-Profits

Given the rise in the understanding how how to use SMS for fund raising, many organizations are now looking at what the impact of SMS activities for non-profits looks like. Thankfully, we’ve got access to the metrics put together in the first-ever Nonprofit Text Messaging Benchmark Study (sponsored by Mobile Commons and mGive). Composed by Michael Amoruso and Jessica Bosanko of M+R Strategic Services and Katrin Verclas, the report “provides benchmarks and metrics by which nonprofit organizations can measure their success with text messaging and illustrate the various ways in which organizations are using text messages.” For example:

…According to the Mobile Benchmark study, there are currently over 276 million wireless users in the U.S. and during the first half of 2009, users sent about 740 billion text messages. The report breaks down not only how non-profits can use SMS to interact with supporters, but also releases statistics on how specific organizations fared with their SMS campaigns..

Download the Mobile Benchmarks 2010 and learn more at the Mobile Benchmarks website.

Via Mobile Active