Behind the Curtain

Believe it or not, but I’ve not written a post in a few weeks. Ususally, I get on a writing spurt and do anywhere from 3 to 6 posts all at once and then queue them to appear at a relatively standard time. Usually speaking, this works well because there are themes and threads between posts that I see which would be beneficial, and it gives some room for the “life outside of MMM” that I tend to have.

The problem lately is that life outside of MMM has been getting in the way of MMM. And I’ve had this constant thought of doing a good deal more here. Since theĀ VSN conference, I’ve had the literal question/challenge of “what could I do if I had more time and resources to devote to producing the kind of content that seems to keep MMM set apart from others sites? Truthfully, I’d not only jump at it, but I’d also beg God for the help to make sure that I’d not get burnt out by it.

You see, passions are a funny thing. If not measured, we will pour ourselves into something, and then when the time comes to show forth growth or more fruit, we will be too spent to do something of value. That’s the fork of my road with MMM as I write this (at the end of a rest-filled Saturday). I see the passions that have gone into this resource, and seeĀ very clearly the areas that need attention. However, I’m also tasked with living out much of what’s written here. Its a dual role that’s a good bit harder than it would appear to some.

The challenge though is a good one. It keeps my knees dirty (so to speak). I’ve got to have those moments of resting in Him, prayer, and worship/yielding in complete devotion. After that, having a queue full of articles, a smattering of meetings and conference calls, and the releasing of wisdom/insight towards mobile becomes easier. But only when I’m not so stretched through myself that I’m too tired to abide in Him.

Behind the curtain of MMM, this is a bit of what makes this place tick. And – again – I’ll admit, there’s a lot of work yet to be done. But only as God gives the grace to do it, and life allows for moments such as these to peel back and see what’s ahead. Thanks for visiting and I hope that you can keep this site and all those that contribute here in your prayers.