Relationships. Technology. Faith.

In Charlotte this past Monday, I became a part of what could be a major milestone in my life – and definitely in the lives of others. The first meeting of Digital Disciples has just happened. Digital Disciples is actually the product of Gave Tavino and I was one of many people that he’s asked to see about interest in a Digital Disciples group in Charlotte, NC. What can I say, I like discipliship.

Tonight’s meeting was pretty much just an interest meeting. We just established basic communication with one another. We talked 🙂

The other two persons who were there tonight were Dale Fletcher and Susan Spalding. Weirdly enough, I sat back for a while when I made it to the venue, I want to watch them for a bit before engaging them. And that was good, both Susan and Dale have a lot that I can learn from.

During this time of just building an initial relationship, we talked about what we expect to get out of this kind of group and two key things stuck out to me: establishing a core group and paying attention to the context of those who’d like to be a part of this group whether walking in the Faith or not. Being one who is already mentoring/discipling a number of people, I see Digital Disciples as just another branch on the tree God is planting me to be. And at the same time, I think He’ll use Digital Disciples to further tweak areas I’m not so strong in.

At the end of the night it was clear though that our hearts were definitely knit towards making Digital Disciples Charlotte a place where people can and will mature in the faith. It will be very interesting towards seeing how God leads us from this point as I think one of the best things is that not all of those interested have showed up yet. That part will definitely add a good kind of sweetness to the tea.

Until next month though, there will just have to be prayer and administration work done. Thankfully, there’s something of a piece of groundwork that is happening. From Twitter, to Facebook, to SMS messaging (yea!), we’ll be working towards getting the word out. So stay tuned, and at the same time keep prayerful. Technology is only a doorway. The key is all things should point us towards maturing in our relationships with God and others by grace through faith. Beyond that, its just tech.

To find out more about Digital Disciples, make sure to visit the website and click on the Local Gatherings tab. There will be some info posted here, Twitter, Facebook, and a few other places as to how to get connected and what’s coming in the next meetings, so stay tuned.

Here’s the hCal event for the next meeting:

November 2, 2009 78:30pm : Digital Disciples Charlotte at Dilworth Coffee Ballentyne, Charlotte, NC