The 4th Screen Reinvents the 1st Chance

Image: VSN Logo

I’ve got a small but probably good-working theory about mobile and many people who are categorized as being “unreached:” I think that mobile presents the opportunity to reach them – personally, effectively, and consistently.

Its been my experience that mobile isn’t an answer though, its another tool on the utility belt, that when used in light of its positive and negative implications, can have a profound impact on the teacher and student alike towards maturing in Christ.

Its to that end and this point that I’m speaking in Los Angeles right about as this is going up at the Visual Story Network’s 2009 Leadership Summit Conference. I was asked to speak on the subject of mobile, specifically where it fits in a world where visual media (film, movie, YouTube, etc.) has become a driver behind many evangelical influences.

Mobile is only a piece though to the entire puzzle. There’s more than just visual media that’s effected by mobile, and certainly there are more areas to which these lessons in mobile can be applied.

What is clear though is that every new technological paradigm gives us a second chance to make that first impression. That impression being that Jesus truly is the Way, the Truth, and the Life to which we not just find peace towards living, but a hope towards living with Him next.

To those not able to be at the conference, I hope that you can enjoy the presentation slides, and chime in via Twitter (@mobileminmag). Mobile is only the 4th screen, but the chance to impact someone with Christ’s life/love is something that we can’t let wait until a second meeting.